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Air Purification in Madison, WI

The comfort of your Madison home depends on more than just the performance of your heating and cooling systems. Indoor air quality plays a significant role, as does the overall efficiency of your home.

At All Comfort Services, we are committed to helping our customers improve their comfort and reduce their energy costs. That’s why we offer a full range of indoor air quality and energy efficiency services in the Madison area.

For air purification systems or other indoor air quality solutions, call All Comfort Services at 608-838-7300 today.

Why Install an Air Purification System?

An air purification system improves indoor air quality, filtering up to 98% of airborne particles and contaminants from your Madison home’s air supply. Without an indoor air cleaner, pollen, mold spores, bacteria, and more may get recirculated through your home’s air, causing allergic reactions, odors, and other unpleasant consequences.

Family of four sitting on a couch and huggingA whole-home air purifier, integrated into your HVAC or cooling system, keeps your air supply fresher and healthier. It may even cut down on dust, keeping your home cleaner.

Ready to improve your home’s air quality? Ask us about how germicidal lights or ultraviolet light and MERV 16 filters can help with neutralizing harmful viruses and bacteria in your home or business.

Get a quote on a state-of-the-art air purification system by contacting All Comfort Services online or calling 608-838-7300 today.

Air Purification System Installation for Madison Homeowners

Air purification requires advanced filtration, with highly effective media (filter materials) installed in your heating and air conditioning system. Our HVAC technicians can help you choose from our top-quality systems so that you select the ideal air cleaner for your home and your family’s needs.

Then, we’ll install the purification system, test it out, and show you exactly how to use it. With our cutting-edge systems and turnkey solutions, you’ll have everything you need to breathe easier and enjoy complete home comfort.

Interested in an air purification system for your Madison homeContact All Comfort Services online or call us at 608-838-7300 today.

UV Germicidal Lights & MERV 16 Filters

At All Comfort Services, we offer air purification systems like Lennox’s UV germicidal lights and the MERV 16 filter to keep the air in your Madison home clean. The UV germicidal lights destroy contaminants like mold, mildew, and bacteria. Using maximum-intensity ultraviolet light, they damage the cell structure of microorganisms, preventing them from growing and spreading throughout your home.

The MERV 16 filter removes over 95% of sub-micron particles down to 0.3 microns and removes over 90% of ultra-fine particles down to 0.1 microns, including viruses and bacteria.

Along with having superior particulate filtration, Healthy Climate filters outcompete other brands with filter airflow and pressure drop.

Air Filter Pressure Drop video thumbnail

To learn more about the air purification systems and products we use at All Comfort Services, contact us online or call our HVAC team at (608) 838-7300.

Benefits of Air Purification Systems

After we install an air purifier in your home, you may notice:

  • Improved indoor air quality: Airborne contaminants, including dust, pet dander, tobacco smoke, mold spores, pollen, bacteria, and more, can be removed for the air circulating in your home.
  • Reduced allergy symptoms: You and your family will likely experience less sneezing, dry throats, nasal irritation, and headaches. For those with severe allergies or compromised immune systems, this can mean a better quality of life day today!
  • Fresher indoor air: With stale odors filtered out, your home will smell fresher.
  • Improved efficiency for your comfort systems: With less dust and airborne contaminants moving through your HVAC equipment, it will stay cleaner and operate far more efficiently. While that can reduce your energy bills, and it can also extend the life of your equipment.
  • Less dust in your home: With more dust removed from the air in your home, there will be less dust settling on your counters and other surfaces.
  • Feeling more invigorated: Since contaminated indoor air can lead to fatigue and concentration problems over time, cleaner air can leave you and your family feeling better overall!

In addition to offering state-of-the-art air purification systems, we also provide whole-house humidity control options to further improve your home comfort and indoor air quality. Our:

Have more questions about our air cleaners and services? Check out our air filtration FAQs!

To learn more about our indoor air quality services, contact All Comfort Services online or call 608-838-7300 today.

Why Choose All Comfort Services for Air Purification Solutions?

At All Comfort Services, we’ve served the home comfort and air quality needs of Madison, WI for nearly a half-century. With this experience, our advanced training, and our dedication to customer satisfaction, we always provide first-class service and superior comfort solutions.

We also offer the convenience of one-stop home services! Whether you need air conditioner repair, heating installation, or any other HVAC service, our team has you covered!

For all your heating, cooling, air quality, electrical, and plumbing needs, count on the team at All Comfort Services! Contact us online or call 608-838-7300 today.

We come highly recommended by past customers, and we have lots of great offers that can save you money!

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